Somatics is a practice-able theory of change that works through the body. Engaging leaders in their own thinking, emotions, commitments, vision and action. Somatic coaching is an emergent and creative process that organizes emotional, social and spiritual commitments towards embodiment and fulfillment.


Somatic bodywork is a technique that includes touch, breath work, rocking and stretching. It brings attention to the places the body holds constrictions due to stress or trauma (lived & inherited). Bodywork involves contact with the soma (self) and with the life force energy that moves through us. The experience can bring attention to sensation, and move energy so that individuals can open to new possibilities.


We use multiple design thinking approaches to problem solve and co-design solutions that promote equity, justice and liberation. Our approach invites participants into radical collaboration through a process that re-awakens their inner innovators to disrupt habits and power to create big change for organizations and communities.